Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Academic Unit Structure Proposed for the College

Dean McPheron recently presented a draft plan for a new academic unit structure in the college. His proposal reduces the number of academic units from 12 to 9, and would have a dramatic impact on the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. If this plan is implemented the crop and turf science faculty would merge with Horticulture to form a new Plant Sciences unit, while the soil science faculty would merge with the School of Forest Resources to form a unit call Forestry and Ecosystem Management. Details of the proposal are posted at
There is only a brief window for public comment so it is important to state your opinion as soon as possible. Please review the proposal (click on "draft plan" to view, print, or save) and provide feedback by Tuesday July 5
Following the public comment period, the Dean will consider the feedback and finalize the proposal for delivery to the Provost in July.  The Provost will submit the proposal to the Faculty Senate in early August for Senate committee evaluation in August and September. The Board of Trustees could consider the proposed academic structure at their November meeting with implementation of the approved academic structure occurring by July 1, 2012.